Yonder Midwifery Services

Prenatal Care

Yonder Midwifery proudly offers individualized prenatal visits that welcome the whole family into the process. Extended appointment times allow ample time to provide clinical care, emotional support, education, and build a relationship of trust and safety.


  • Extended Prenatal Visits (monthy until 28 weeks, bi-weekly until 36 weeks, and weekly until birth)

  • Comprehensive Intake for health history

  • Every visit includes nutritional, lifestyle, and emotional assessment as well as education and clinical care (blood pressure, pulse, fetal growth, fetal heart tones, fetal position check, and fluid levels)

  • In-House Lab Collection for all lab work and genetic testing

  • Diagnostic ultrasound referrals

  • Community perinatal provider referrals

  • 24-hr Emergency Midwife Call Service

Labor & Birth

Yonder Midwifery offers birth services in the comfort of your own home! During early labor you will have close contact with your midwife by phone. Once we arrive at your birthing location, your midwife will monitor you and your baby by assessing fetal heart tones and your vitals at regular intervals to ensure you are both coping well with labor. We do our best not to disturb your process by encouraging you to move, change positions, eat, drink, and rest as needed. We will move around you! In the immediate postpartum, your midwife will keep a keen eye on everyone’s transition and recovery, provide breast/chestfeeding support, complete a comprehensive newborn exam, administer newborn medications (vitamin K and erythromycin eye ointment) if desired, and make sure all are well before tucking you into bed to rest and enjoy your new family member!

Postpartum & Newborn Care

Typical postpartum care in the United States for the parent and newborn is minimal at best. It requires the dyad to leave the home and enter a healthcare space during intense times in their recovery.

Yonder Midwifery provides in-home postpartum care for the first two weeks and office visits at two and six weeks postpartum in a space that only sees healthy clients and their babies, providing a safe space for vulnerable immune systems.

While we encourage you to start care with a pediatrician in the rare case that your baby has complications, midwives are considered primary care providers for well babies during the first six weeks of life. We will see both of you in the same appointments to provide all newborn screenings, assess their growth, your recovery, and provide lactation support.

Your midwife will also remain on-call 24/7 for urgent matters throughout six weeks postpartum.


  • Newborn Metabolic Screening

  • Newborn Hearing Screening

  • Newborn CCHD Screening

  • Newborn Assessment (jaundice, elimination, feeding, growth)

  • Lip & tongue tie assessment and will provide local IBCLC referrals as needed.

  • Continued Lactation Support

  • Healing and Postpartum Recovery Assessment (lochia, blood pressure, mental health, etc)

  • Well Body Care (pap smear, chest/breast health, birth control counseling)

  • Community Perinatal Provider Referrals

  • 24-hr Emergency Midwife Call Service

Placenta Encapsulation Services

Placenta Encapsulation- $250

Placenta Tincture- $50

Placenta Print- $75

Out Of Service Area Fee- $50
(only applies to those living outside of Knox County)

Placenta encapsulation is an amazing supplement to support your body in a number of ways. Below are just a few of the benefits you may experience:

  • Increased milk supply

  • Lessened postnatal bleeding

  • Increased energy

  • Increased iron levels

  • Balanced hormones

  • Reduced risk of “baby blues” and postpartum depression

Birth Doula Support



Cara offers a full spectrum birth doula package for a limited number of clients whether they are birthing with another home birth midwife or in the hospital.

  • Unlimited support via text, phone, or email.

  • Two prenatal visits where we will discuss any prior pregnancies and births, fears, concerns, hopes, and desires for your upcoming birth. You will receive access to my lending library, referrals to community resources, and evidenced based information regarding medical interventions and testing.

  • Four weeks of 24/7 on-call services surrounding your due date (38-42 weeks unless otherwise requested)

  • My continuous presence to offer emotional and physical support during your entire labor and delivery.

  • Immediate postpartum and breastfeeding support.

  • One postpartum home visit. There we will discuss your birth experience, troubleshoot any concerns, check-in emotionally, and offer any referrals necessary.